Alex Rayment

Registered Massage Therapist

A graduate of Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy, Alex sees the body as a holistic network of systems with the nervous system in the driver’s seat. He approaches issues with a wide-lens, using orthopedic and functional testing to guide treatments so they address not just the symptoms but the root cause as well. Alex often incorporates non-traditional modalities into treatments, when appropriate, such as Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Joint Mobilizations or Muscle Energy Techniques.

He has experience treating a full spectrum of patients from those recovering from major spinal cord injuries to varsity athletes looking to optimize their performance to people suffering from acute or chronic anxiety.

Alex is a passionate lover of sports, good food and well-crafted stories. Outside of work you might find him writing while eating a hearty dinner after playing soccer or tennis.

Alex is a bilingual massage therapist dedicated to providing personalized and effective treatments tailored to each client's needs.

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  • College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO)
  • Registered Massage Therapist Association of Ontario (RMTAO)
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